Krüger Soil Remediation’s experience within soil and groundwater remediation started in the early 1980’s where we have been designing and operating remediation systems like Pump & Treat, Soil Vapor Extraction, Air Sparging, Bioslurping/ Multiphase Extraction, excavation, Chemical Oxidation. However, for the last 15 years our focus has been at In Situ Thermal Soil Remediation specializing in electrical Thermal Conductive Heating and Steam Injection, which have demonstrated to be the most reliable and robust methods to treat even very demanding compounds and challenging sites, at the same time being safe, cost-effective and sustainable.
Krüger Soil Remediation provides
- In-situ remediation of contaminated land by means of Thermal Conductive Heating (TCH) and/or Steam Enhanced Extraction (SEE)
- Laboratory treatability test of your soil samples in our lab - an inexpensive validation tool to support your remedy plan
- Pilot projects for sites where you want proof of concept before full scale remedy
- Solutions for online monitoring and data processing
How can we help you?
- Reach very low clean up criteria in soil and groundwater
- Clean-up soil & ground water below buildings and in delicate urban settings
- Remove source zone/hotspot contamination
- Remove deeply spread contaminations
- Avoid excavation, disposal and any contact with contaminated soil
- Provide you with a realistic evaluation of which results can be achieved
We have successful and well-documented references:
- In all types of geological settings, ranging from sand, clay and all the way to crystalline rock
- From terrain and to 50 meters below the terrain
- All organic compounds, from light boiling vinyl chloride and benzene to high boiling compounds like chlorobenzene, lindane, dioxin, etc.
- Mercury (incl. different species as elementary, methylated, mercury sulfide etc.)
- Thermal remediation above and below the water table
Watch this 3-min video to see how we apply heat in a thorough, robust and predictable way to ensure strong results far below clean-up criteria. Here you can see our projects performed in different settings, geologies and countries and understand the process behind:
Thermal Soil Remediation
More information
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Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification services, has given us the green light - We are now a certified sustainable business! This benefits both customers, society and of course the environment.