Krüger and NIRAS win task of new N2O regulation at wastewater treatment plants

Krüger and engineering consultancy NIRAS have won the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's task to prepare proposals for regulation methods of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants. Now the work starts based on the relevant measurement and calculation methods.

In 2025, according to the Danish Parliament's climate plan, requirements for the discharge of nitrous oxide (N2O) from wastewater treatment plants must be introduced, because N2O is such a powerful greenhouse gas that it constitutes the largest single climate footprint from Denmark's wastewater treatment plants. The objective is that N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants should be reduced by 50% overall.

Concrete measurement and calculation methods 

The assignment contains several elements, several of which are linked to studies of the relevant and concrete measurement and calculation methods with the aim of establishing a validated measurement method in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment in Denmark. In continuation hereof, proposals for regulation methods of N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants must be drawn up, which can form the basis for the Ministry’s preparation of related legal material, just as guidelines must be developed for the use of the measurement methods for control and measurement of emissions. Socio-economic assessments and calculations of the shadow prices for reducing N2O emissions must also be prepared.

It is a complex and comprehensive task, which is why Krüger and NIRAS have chosen to join forces to solve the task in a consortium. In Krüger, we have some of the country's leading experts in wastewater treatment plants and reduction of nitrous oxide, so we are very much looking forward to offering our skills to solve this important task
- Mette Brynjolf Jepsen, Market Manager Climate and Energy, Krüger

"If the green transition is to succeed and the upcoming climate plan is to be executed, an interdisciplinary understanding of wastewater treatment plants, the environment and economic impact is required. NIRAS has some of the country's leading experts in this interdisciplinary field, and we are therefore looking forward to contributing to this important task.” says Jens Munk-Poulsen, Group Manager Wastewater Treatment Plants at NIRAS.

Involvement from industry and knowledge institutions

A larger advisory board must be established which will be involved in the task. The follow-up group has been chosen by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the Ministry of the Environment, NIRAS and Krüger, and will consist of approx. 15 people from Danish utilities, DANVA (the interest organisation for drinking water and wastewater companies), the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the Ministry of the Environment and universities.

The task has been initiated, and the proposal must be available in half a year as input to the Ministry of the Environment's further work with the regulation.

Mette Brynjolf Jepsen
Market Manager Climate and Energy
E: [email protected]
M: 30 66 45 95
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The full report is available from the Ministry: "Proposals for regulatory methods to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from treatment facilities."